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17) Grandfather of all massive particles

We know that electromagnetism consists of a magnetic field installed perpendicularly to an electronic field. This is what we observe today.

But in order to have a field perpendicular to another field, both fields have to be “surfaces”; not “volumes”. And this is exactly what the T-Model says: “Neutrinos and gluons are surface particles originating from the bi-Dimensional’s Planck era”.

Naturally, this observation is the final “result” that came after a period of evolution (entropy). So what exactly were the changes that occurred during that “evolution” period?

This is the drawing of the “appearing event” of the gluon in the universal expanding space of the time:

As we can easily observe, all gluons (G) that appeared, were installed perpendicularly to one of the three expansion trajectories: G-1 to E-1, G-2 to E-3, G-3 to E-2, G-4 to E-1, G-5 to E-3 and finally G-6 to E-2.

So the producing phase of the electromagnetism’s evolution was the “centripetal effectinstalled perpendicularly to the “centrifugal effect”.

For us, today, naming the centripetal effect a “magnetic field” describes the event perfectly enough; but naming the centrifugal effect an “electronic field” doesn’t describe the event with sufficient precision at the instant electromagnetism appeared; because at that moment, electrons didn’t even exist.

Once again, we have to note that our observation of “electromagnetism” was established by Hendrik Lorentz, after a lot of work by previous scientists; so we don’t have the information of how it came to be; only of what was observed as a “fact” at the moment of the observation.

Furthermore, this “fact” was considered as a “force” called either “Lorentz force” or “electromagnetic force”.

Let’s have a look at how it was then described (and still is):

In physics (specifically in electromagnetism) the Lorentz force (or electromagnetic force) is the combination of electric and magnetic force on a point charge (zero dimensional) due to electromagnetic fields”.

So, putting aside the “force notion”, we can say that our previous drawing represents what is called the “electromagnetic field” in this description of “electromagnetism”. And electromagnetism is a “volume” effect because it is composed of perpendicular “surfaces” effects.

And since our gluon with a diameter of 10^-35 meter, being a boson, acquired an effectiveness to the size of the whole universe existing at that moment, which had a diameter of 10^-15 meter (effective range of the so-called “strong” nuclear force), we clearly observe a “magnetism effect” (centripetal) overriding perpendicularly a “diffusing effect” (centrifugal).

This means that the first phase of electromagnetism appeared when the universe had a diameter of 10^-15 meter. Electromagnetism couldn’t exist before that “volume size”. And since this was the limit range of the “centripetal effect”, the centrifugal effect continued the expansion of the universe without any influential obstruction; but adopted the new “nature” of electromagnetism.

Thus the universe became electromagnetic.

But one major basic conclusion has to be emphasised:

“Our universe is an “effect” of an underlying background kinetic energy that exists in space throughout the entire Universe. Its behavior is codified in Heisenberg's energy–time uncertainty principle”.

We observe this underlying energy as:

The vacuum energy.

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