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11) The "clock effect"

This “radiance period” (middle picture) lasted until 10^-36 second after time = zero.

Then started “inflationwhich lasted until 10^-32 second after time = zero.

After that moment, Planck satellite shows the appearance of the “focussing” motion (left on previous picture). This “focussing” motion is observed where baryonic matter “resides” (it has a higher temperature). Which tells us that the blue spots on WMAP and Planck’s picture of the microwave background is where no baryonic matter can be found.

We will now “see” (imagine) what could have happened between 10^-43 second and 10^-36 second.

This period is called the “radiance period”, because it implies exclusively the “expansion” (expanding motion) of the universe. “Inflation” started only at 10^-36 second after time = zero; as Planck satellite also observed.

We’ve already seen that a shorter length than 10^-35 meter was impossible to exist; which determined the diameter of the very first volume of space that appeared animated with the expanding motion as our drawing has shown:

And since a longer length couldn’t appear before another 10^-43 second had elapse, the following drawing was the expanding result 10^-43 second after the Big-bang:

Note: The main expension pattern is the first "clock" that ever appeared in our univers.

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