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8) A simple "passive" effect


So, what about its lot talked about “counterpart”, the centripetal “effect”?

Well, just as it was perceived when we experienced with your hairs, being kept by you while rotating, for the sole reason that they are “rooted to your scalp”, there is no “real” centripetal “effect”.

The reason our “energy surface” stays as a “whole” despite the acting centrifugal “effect”, isn’t because there’s something holding it together; but simply because there is nothing else that exists. So there’s no possibility for being separated by anything else. The centripetal “effect” isn’t real; the most we can say about it is that it is a “passive” inertness; it doesn’t “act”. In fact, this “passive effect” is very close to the “weight notion”; but we will not be able to pin point this allegation before we get to the “gravitational effect” further on.

This last conclusion modifies Newton’s third law quite a bit; because simple “inertia” replaces his “reacting force”.

Note that our finding, here, is exactly the contrary of what Newton found with his own “model”. To Newton, the centripetal “force” was real, while the centrifugal “force” was “fictitious”. This is the kind of conclusions his “force” notion brings our mind to make. It might be a “nice” model; but it’s only superficially logical and lacking in precision (in both ways, mathematical and intellectual).

Finally, what we found during Planck era amounts to three “facts”:

1- Accumulating Energy,

2- A Centrifugal active “effect” and

3- A Centripetal passive “inertness” status.

We also observed that the centrifugal active “effect” appeared before the centripetal passive “inertness”. To describe the “action” we could say: It had to “move” (take action) in order to “be”. Which makes the “active” portion stronger than the “passive” inertness. A more realistic and undoubtingly logical way to see it, is that “action” is more dynamic than “inertness”.

The result is that the centrifugal effect can never be prevented from “acting” by a “passive” response. So, from now on, when you push on a wall, the wall stays “inert” and doesn’t stop you from keeping “pushing” (and certainly doesn’t push back). This specifically tells us that the accumulation of “speed” (meaning: energy) in Planck era, wasn’t restrained whatsoever by anything.

With all this in mind, let’s go back to my Chinese friend’s rotating Tai-Chi drawing.

All we have to do with this drawing is identify each “water drops” with either, the centrifugal acting “effect” and the centripetal “passive” inertness.

Let’s say that the black drop is the “passive inertness” while the white drop is the “active centrifugal effect”.

Since the “centrifugal effect” isn’t restricted in any way, the increasing energy of the constantly extending circumference keeps accumulating.

And since this “action” factor started before the “inertness” factor, there was a difference in intensity/response installed between the two factors (resulting in the fact that “inertness” was augmenting after “action”); and that difference in intensity augmented at the same ratio as both factors.

This phenomenon brought the Planck era event to a point where the difference in intensity became so great that the “passive inertnesscouldn’t restrain the “centrifugal effect” from releasing itself, and being projected in all directions. The time of this scission event was 10^-43 second after Time = zero. We call it: The Big-bang moment.

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